Feedback Feedback form of Certima B.V Organization name Completed by Audit date Name Certima Auditor Certification Standard(s) Do you agree with the following statements? 1. The contact with Certima office regarding requests, offers and planning of audit is pleasant, the handling of questions is smooth and correct. Strongly agree, beyond expectationsAgree, as expectedDisagree, below expectationStrongly disagree, far below expectation Motivation * 2.The auditor has good knowledge of our industry, products and processes. Strongly agree, beyond expectationsAgree, as expectedDisagree, below expectationStrongly disagree, far below expectation Motivation * 3. The auditor has explained his findings carefully and convincingly substantiated. * Strongly agree, beyond expectationsAgree, as expectedDisagree, below expectationStrongly disagree, far below expectation Motivation * 4. What grade do you give for our cooperation? * "very bad" 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 " very good" 12345678910 Motivation * 5. In your opinion, where and how can we improve our services? * We give Certima permission to add our company to the reference list of certified companies * NoYes