GLOBAL G.A.P. is a private sector body that sets voluntary standards for the certification of agricultural products around the world. Their aim is to work on the continuous improvement of Good Agricultural Practices at farm level to ensure confidence in the safety and sustainability of food production for the benefit of consumers. The requirements assess agricultural and market gardening businesses in terms of food safety, shelf life and quality.
GLOBAL G.A.P. offers Producers one core product: GLOBAL G.A.P. Certification which is available for 3 types of production: Crops, Livestock, Aquaculture. There are two types of producer
Single producer: a legal entity cultivating the product as a single supplier
Producer group: a cooperative who contracts single producers and acts as ‘trade union’ of sorts.
Global G.A.P. Option 1 is suitable for large scale commercial farmers who are able to demonstrate compliance with all the control points and hence meet certification requirements.
Global G.A.P. Option 2 – Small – scale farmers, due to inadequate technical and financial resources, opt for Option 2 where they can join resources and be certified as a group.
Certima B.V. is accredited by RvA (the Dutch Accreditation Council) for product group Crops (Fruits and Vegetables, Crops) for both Option 1 and Option 2.
- Demonstrate your commitment to Good Agricultural Practice to your retailers and buyers;
- provide assurance for consumers;
- harmonizes the main buyer requirements;
- opens new markets;
- GLOBALGAP system transparency complements Official Controls.