
General Certification Conditions 4.12.2024 valid from 9.12.2024 track changes

General Certification Conditions 4.12.2024 valid from 9.12.2024

BRC Certification agreement terms 28.05.2024 valid from 10.06.2024 track changes

BRC Certification agreement terms 28.05.2024 valid from 10.06.2024.pdf

IFS Certification agreement terms 28.05.2024 valid from 10.06.2024

IFS Certification agreement terms 28.05.2024 valid from 10.06.2024 track changes

Excerpt of IFS & BRC requirements regarding Food Safety Incidents 07.07.2023

General Policy of Certima 24.05.2022

NR C650 – Raad voor Accreditatie (

Rules of appeal 5 September 2018

Regulation for the use of the Certima logo 28.06.2022

Public access to certification information

IFS Compulsory Field Guideline EN